Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Truly I tell you

“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea', and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them." Mark 11:23

Are you filled with doubt?

It may seem like God is not listening, but Jesus says, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). Are you struggling with doubt?

Thursday, March 21, 2019



Pineapple leaves can thus do wonders to your health, and before you ponder further go and grab some boiled water of pineapple leaves to stay fit and healthy

PINEAPPLE LEAVES: Do not waste it any more, why complain of  inflammatory pains and waist pain, make tea from it. It wipes all pains in seconds, heals ulcer and cough too. It nourishes the body and it is better than poisoning your system with ibrufen capsules, tramadol pain reliever  that do endanger life and cause ulcer...
Just boil and drink.

Pineapple Leaves contains
👉Calcium oxalate
👉Bromelin enzyme
👉Pectic substantial

Heals bleeding from Nose
For those of you who experience frequent bleeding from nose because of fatigue or stress, you can cure it by drinking boiled water pineapple leaves regularly. To make it a bit tastier, you can add some honey to it.

Drives away weakness
Pineapple leaves are also effective in curing weaknesses by providing energy and increasing blood circulation.

Boosts immunity
Pineapple leaves are also significant in boosting the immunity of our body by helping it fighting against disease causing microorganisms such as viruses, fungi, bacteria and so on.

Controls Diabetes
Pineapple, being rich in fiber, is a great food for diabetics and intake of pineapple leaves results in improved blood sugar, insulin, and lipid levels.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

She came late for the interview, but she was hired.

She came late for the interview, but she was hired.

A woman who applied for ”Marketing Assistance ” was scheduled for an interview at 10:00 am but came at 12:36 pm. Not professional.

Immediately she came in, she put on a smile in her face and greeted us. I smiled and answered, but my partner wasn't happy. Instead, he told her it was over.

She smiled again.
To have been late and all you could do was smile was weird.

So I asked why smiling. She told me sometimes, all you need is a smile to hide the pains in life.

”I never planned to be late. I'd prepared for weeks for this day, but circumstances were responsible for everything. I came from my son's school down here because I was called he fell sick. While driving down here, I  got a flat tire. I had to park it by the roadside.”

I was given a free ride down here. I couldn't forfeit this interview because I had prepared. My home rent is due and no hope. My only hope is this job, but I've just been told it's over.

So all I can do now is smile to give myself the unseen hope.

She broke in tears and stood to leave.
My angry partner broke into tears too. He interviewed and hired her.
Everyone you see out there is fighting his own battle. Would it not be nice if you are kind to them?

If you won't be nice at least be human.


Thursday, March 14, 2019



The rate of cesarean section (C.S) birth is increasing by the day. If you recall in the olden days there are logical orthodox method in which our Fore fathers and traditional healers used to protect the offspring and the life of the mother from any difficulty from child birth. It's very rare those days to see or hear of a case of a woman dying at child birth or a long labour challenge. This has changed with modern ways and junk eating habits that has currently made more than 70 % baby deliverance to come through surgical means known as C.S in this 21st century.

🌿🤰Nature and God gave us Ewedu Leaves known as (EWE ABIWERE) Meaning (leaf of Safe delivery).It's called Jute leaves in English Language, Igbo people call it Achingbara, Hausa call it LALO and it botanically known as Corchorus Olitorius.God has indeed blessed us with herbs..."It is simply nature".It has been observed especially among the Yoruba speaking community of Nigeria that pregnant women who eat ewedu soup made from ewedu leaves frequently experience quick, smooth, almost painless delivery.

🤰🌿🤰Quick Delivery: When a pregnant woman is having a hard labour, get a bunch of draw leaf (Ewedu) and squeeze with the stem for once and let her take it; it will lubricate the system for easy delivery. It is also good for prevention from 6 months pregnancy.

This leaf (Ewedu) is clearly rich in micro nutrients, and these micro nutrients aid in reducing the chances of illness in body especially for the baby in the inner side.

It is a green leafy edible vegetable that is prepared into the delicious slimy soup called ewedu. The leaf is rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, proteins, fibers, Vitamins A, C and E, riboflavin, niacin and foliate. These are nutrients that help the body to fight diseases and maintain good health.

🌿🌿This leaf is very essential for the mother and the baby, it will avail pregnant women to look fresh, beautiful and energetic because the leaf contains vitamins that are very important as an antioxidant which will help the loss of waste water through the skin, thus reducing the wrinkles that are the main cause of pregnant mask. 

🌿🌿Not only that Vitamins A, C, and E contained in Ewe Abiwere is the key to shrink off tissue damage that can cause cancer and the effectiveness of antioxidants and lignin that can provide protection against the development of cancer cells.

Not only that, the calcium in ewewdu helps offspring to gain healthy structure , bones formation and the baby will have strong teeth and stamina in his life time. In addition, it is also contain useful phosphorus to maintain bone density. Thus, bone can avoid the danger of osteoporosis. 

So, consuming Ewedu every day will give health to bone and teeth of both mother and the baby. Vitamin E in ewedu can work to reduce pain for the mother and also increase stamina. Ewedu has been known to be a remedy for pregnant women experiencing prolonged labour. A bunch of ewedu leaves squeezed with the stem can be given to her to drink. It has also been discovered that Ewedu leaves  to aid milk secretion in lactating mothers.....

🤰🌿🤰How to prepare it for easy delivery 

(1). Gather this leaf, preferably the fresh one, wash it very Properly 
(2). Add little water, Squeeze it properly and filter it to get the juice. 
(3). Drink it without adding anything.

🌿🤰Other Method of preparation 

👉 Some people prefer the cook one with locust beans  without adding salt, and they will take half cup as a dosage but is not as good as the one you prepare with water and take raw.

1. Please, this is not meant for 2 to 6 month pregnancy. The leaf may not have the potential acid to terminate pregnant but it can sanction the baby to come prematurely.

2. This is the most, if not the only best, herb for the pregnancy of 7 to 8 month above. In this stage there is no over dose if it because your baby will continue to grow normally.

3. For the baby that Stand in the womb abnormally such as bridge,  which is one of the reasons that precipitate CS, just get water Mellon, blended properly and get water juice, use it to squeeze the above mentioned leaf, this will help reposition your baby to turn to the normal position.

4. For those who have pelvic tight issue, use this leaf to prepare local soap that will space the door for the offspring. 

5. For the unstoppable blood after birth, the Woman will not use this herb twice before the blood will regulate.