Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Guava Leaf Stop Neglecting this Powerful Leaf

  • Guava Leaf  Stop Neglecting this  Powerful Leaf 
    (Guava leaf stop stooling especially on a Child)
    Guava Leaf commonly known as:
    Botanical name: Psidium Guajava

    Medicinal Properties of Guava Leaves:

    👉Guava leaf are used for Vagina wash

    👉Guava leaves are used to treat diarrhoea.

    👉Guava leaves contain active phytochemical compounds which can reduce cholesterol level slightly.

    👉Guava leaves contain Catechin which can control the blood glucose level. In other words, Guava leaves may help to prevent type 2 diabetes.

    👉Guava leaves can lower the risk of cancer, especially breast, prostate, and oral cancers.

    👉The extract of guava leaves has strong anti-bacterial activity against Vibrio cholerae, this means that the plant offers the potential for controlling epidemics of cholera.

    👉It also has a strong effect to protect the liver from some enzyme which can damage liver cells.

    👉Guava leaves contain quercetin. This component is very effective in reducing the pain of arthritis.

    👉Guava leaf is a fantastic home remedy for toothaches, swollen gums and oral ulcers due to the powerful antibacterial agents.

    To Do this:
    Grind the leaves into a paste and apply it to your gums and teeth to cure these problems.

    👉Guava Leaves can be used to relieve Itchy skin.

    👉It can also be used to prevent Hair loss.

    👉Taking guava leaf tea regularly helps improve quality of sleep. It calms your nerves and quietens your mind, making it easier to fall asleep.

    👉Guava leaves tea helps boost the immune system and it is good for the brain. 

    You can brew Guava leaves into tea by collecting some of the leaves, wash them and put to boil for 20 to 30 minutes. Allow to cool and sieve to get the extract.

    You can take half a glass cup twice daily. And you can sip it as a tea throughout the day especially if you're using it for weight loss and reduction of cholesterol level. 

    To treat Itchy Skin:
    Crush guava leaves and rub on itchy skin.

    To prevent Hair Loss:
    Boil guava leaves, allow to cool and massage onto the scalp. You may also crush the leaves and rub them on the scalp.

    Too much of anything is bad, therefore, no matter the purpose for you using it, always remember moderation is key.

Monday, May 6, 2019

epatitis B Treatment and diabetes treatment

Hepatitis B Treatment and diabetes treatment, With Phyllanthus amarus..*
(This Leaf is also Very effective for Malaria, Fever,Ulcer and arthritis)
This Leaf is available Freely around you
Just put your eyes to the ground and you will find it .
Be Advised: this Leaf is Bitter.
Common name : stonebreaker,Chanka leaf
Botanical name: Phyllanthus Niruri
Family name :Phyllanthaceae
Brazil : Quebra or Arranca Pedras
Spanish : Chanca Piedra or Shatter Stone
Nigeria common name : Small Leaf
Local name: Eyin olube,(Yoruba)Iro kwoò nwa '(Igbo)the leaves has multiple seeds
The degree of the viral damage to the liver will also determine how long it will take for complete treatment.
This is why alway adding a good natural supplement to the treatment, which will boost your immunity and aid quick healing of the liver.
Infusion (hot tea)
Decoction (boiled tea)
Macerations (cold soaking)
Boil one handful of the plant with 1litre of water in a pot with good fitting lid on a medium to heat for 15minutes.
If you can see the steam escaping or smell the aroma, that means your lid is not tight enough and valuable properties are escaping.
It can be stored in refrigerator after you might have strained the leaves and seeds out hence it goes bad after 3days.
You can boil enough quantity and keep in the fridge but it should not exceed one week
DOSAGE: Half or one full cup to be taking 2 times daily on empty stomach for 30 days consistently. Children to take a quarter of adult dose.
After 30 days go for test again, if still any trace of hapatitis in your system continue treatment for two weeks and test again.
All traces of hepatitis B in your system will disappear completely after this treatment.
Other benefits
Treat Malaria
Treat Fever
Relief Pains
Effective Ulcer Treatment
Stone breaker and Gallbladder remedy..
